Fertilizer Minister D V Sadananda Gowda on Thursday said he has tested positive for coronavirus and has isolated himself, with Karnataka chief minister BS Yediyurappa wishing him early recovery.
“After initial symptoms of COVID-19, I got myself tested and the report came positive. I have isolated myself,” Gowda tweeted.
The minister requested those who came in his contact to be careful and follow the protocol and stay safe.
Gowda’s office said the minister’s symptoms are mild at present.
The former chief minister of Karnataka joins the list of central ministers like Amit Shah, Nitin Gadkari and Dharmendra Pradhan, who had tested positive for COVID-19.
Following Gowda’s tweet, Yediyurappa and Karnataka cooperative minister S T Somashekar prayed for his early recovery and wished that he would return to his duties as usual.