Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut on Monday took to Twitter to share videos of Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) officials at her office premises in Mumbai, adding they may demolish the property.
IMAGE: Women Shiv Sena party workers stage a protest against Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut, outside Shiv Sena office in Thane. Photograph: PTI photo
Kangana’s recent remark comparing Mumbai to Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) has drawn ire of the ruling Shiv Sena whose leaders are targeting the Bharatiya Janata Party for defending her.
In a tweet on Monday, she said officials of the Sena-ruled civic body visited her office and may demolish the property on Tuesday.
Stating that she has done nothing illegal on her property, the actor said BMC should show the illegal construction with a notice.
‘They have forcefully taken over my office measuring everything, also harassing my neighbors,’ she tweeted.
‘I am informed tomorrow they are demolishing my property,’ she added.