MUMBAI: After mixed global cues, the Indian stock market started trading on Monday with an increase but the markets broke down in a while. The Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) Sensex opened with a gain of 147 points at 38,275.34 in the morning. After a few minutes, it started declining and by 9.49 in the morning the Sensex has reached 37791 with a 337-point fall.
Similarly, the National Stock Exchange (NSE) major index Nifty gained 31 points to open at 11,225. After some time it started to fall. By 10.13 am, the Nifty had dropped 78 points to 11,115.90. Initially, the NSE saw a rise in about 608 shares and a decline in 488 shares.
Earlier, the last trading day of the week was once again in the name of Reliance Industries. Reliance shares rose over 4% to a new high of Rs 2146. The company’s market cap has crossed Rs 14 lakh crore. This is the first time any Indian company has reached this stage. Reliance stock continues to be strong on Monday and it is trading around 2168.
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