Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray on Wednesday demanded resumption of suburban train services in Mumbai for movement of staff on essential services duty and hinted that lockdown may continue if guidelines are not strictly followed by people.
IMAGE: People board a BEST bus at Dadar in Mumbai. Photograph: Sahil Salvi
He said the COVID-19 threat still persists and asked people to avoid crowding and maintain physical distancing.
Addressing a press conference after a meeting of the Business Advisory Committee (BAC), Thackeray said lockdown has been partially eased because economic activities need to continue as ‘now we have to learn to live with the virus’.
The virus threat still persists but we need to start economic activities, he said.
“Outdoor physical activity has been allowed for your good health and not to spoil it,” the CM said, referring to reports of people crowding on the roads after the restrictions were eased.
“Lockdown may continue if this happens. But I am confident people will listen to the government’s rules and guidelines since it is taking care of their welfare,” he said.
The current phase of lockdown ends on June 30.
Thackeray said he has been demanding that suburban train services resume in Mumbai to allow people on essential services duty to commute.
“Even now many of them are not able to travel because of lack of transport,” he said.