At the end of September, sugar production in India declined by 20 per cent to 258.01 lakh tonnes in the current trade year due to low sugarcane production. Due to the lockdown, sugar sales have come down during the last two months. In the 2018-19 trade year period (October-April), production stood at 321.71 lakh tonnes. The Indian Sugar Mills Association (ISMA) said that in March and April, sugar sales fell by 1 million tonnes, as the country was locked out to control the coronavirus disease.
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ISMA said in a statement, ‘Sugar mills across the country have produced 258.01 lakh tonnes of sugar between October 1, 2019, and April 30, 2020. This is about 63.70 lakh tonnes less than 321.71 lakh tonnes produced at the same time last year. Currently, 90 sugar mills are running. The same, ISMA said, in the 2019-20 trade year (October-September), sugar production has registered a decline of 260 million tonnes.
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According to the data, sugar production in Uttar Pradesh stood at 116.52 lakh tonnes during the first seven months of the 2019-20 trade year, compared to 112.8 lakh tonnes in the year-ago period. Also, out of 119 mills operated this year, 44 mills have finished their crushing operations, while 75 mills are still running. Sugar production in Maharashtra stood at 60.67 lakh tonnes till April, compared to 107.15 lakh tonnes in the same period last year.
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