On Thursday, the Uttarakhand government increased the price of petrol by two rupees per litre and the price of diesel by one rupee per litre. VAT on petrol and diesel has also been increased in Rajasthan, due to which these products are getting expensive on Friday. The Rajasthan government on Thursday increased VAT on petrol by two percent and on diesel by one percent. After the increase in VAT, the new prices have come into effect from midnight on Thursday. Earlier, the government of Uttar Pradesh, Assam, Nagaland, Maharashtra, Karnataka, West Bengal and Haryana also increased VAT.
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Apart from this, petrol in Rajasthan capital Jaipur is increasing by Rs 1.12 to Rs 77.82 per litre. Apart from this, diesel is getting 53 paise up to Rs 70.35 per litre. Talking about Uttarakhand’s capital Dehradun, after the increase in VAT, petrol is available here at Rs 72.55 per litre and diesel at Rs 63.17 per litre.
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In Uttar Pradesh city Noida on Friday, petrol is falling by 15 paise at Rs 73.90 per litre. Diesel is also getting a drop of 15 paise at Rs 63.82 per litre. The price of petrol in Chandigarh remains at Rs 68.62 per litre on Friday and diesel at Rs 62.03 per litre.
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