Mumbai: The country’s largest company Reliance Industries (RIL) is in need of money. RIL has planned to collect Rs 25,000 crore and has informed the stock exchanges. In the information given by the company to the stock exchanges, it has been told that it will make a provision of 25 thousand crores in several pieces through non-convertible debentures (NCDs).
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The board of the company has also approved. However, the company has not made any disclosure about why this money is being raised. The company said in the information given to the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) on Thursday that, ‘We want to inform that the directors of the company, in a meeting held today, have approved the proposal that non-convertible debentures will be issued by 25,000 crores. Raise money This amount will be collected from time to time based on private placement.
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Non-convertible debentures are a type of bond. These are instruments of investment that cannot be converted into equity shares or stocks. They have a fixed maturity period and interest is paid monthly or annually. In this, investors get good returns and at the same time, the risk is less.