The Finance Ministry on Thursday said that till April 22, under the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana, more than 33 crore poor have been given financial assistance of Rs 31,235 crore. According to the information given by the Ministry, Rs 10,025 crore has been sent to the accounts of 20.05 crore women Jan Dhan account holders. Rs 1405 crore has been given to about 2.82 crore old people, widows and disabled persons.
For your information, let us tell you that under the first installment of PM-KISAN scheme, Rs 16,146 crore has been transferred to 8 crore farmers. 162 crore has been transferred to 68,775 establishments as EPF contribution, benefiting 10.6 lakh employees. Financial assistance of Rs. 3497 crore has been provided to 2.17 crore building and construction workers.
Apart from this, the government is sending money to the accounts of the poor people of the country facing difficulties due to the lockdown. There has been a sudden increase in the deposits in Jan Dhan accounts in the first week of April. This increase is mainly due to the amount of money deposited in these accounts due to the transfer of money to the accounts of women Jan Dhan account holders by the central government. Deposits in accounts opened under PMJDY increased to Rs 1.28 lakh crore in the week ended April 8, 2020. As of April 1, 2020, Rs 1.20 lakh crore was deposited in these accounts.
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