On Thursday, while the Indian stock market saw a tremendous decline, the gold prices of investors as a safe investment were also reduced. According to HDFC Securities, the prices of gold and silver in the capital of the country declined. The price of gold in Delhi decreased by Rs 128 to Rs 44,490 per 10 grams. On Wednesday, gold had closed at Rs 44,618 per 10 grams. The prices of silver like gold were also seen. Silver prices declined by Rs 302 to Rs 46,868 per kg. Silver closed at Rs 47,170 on Wednesday.
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HDFC Securities Senior Analyst (Commodities) Tapan Patel said, The 24-carat gold in Delhi was trading down by Rs 128, which was in line with the global market gold prices overnight. On Thursday, there was a limited fall in gold prices, while the rupee depreciated sharply. Patel said that the rupee was trading at a loss of 53 paise against the dollar during day trading. Meanwhile, the international market saw an improvement in gold prices and was trading at $ 1,645 an ounce.
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On Wednesday, the price of gold was recorded in the international market. Currently, the international price of silver remained almost flat and was trading at $ 16.73 an ounce. On Thursday, the 3 April gold contract on MCX was trading at Rs 43329.00, losing Rs 26 at 12.14 pm. On the other hand, the contract of silver was seen to fall by Rs 320 to trade at Rs 45444.00 per kg.