Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who is known for his ability to connect with the masses through social media, has now 30 million followers on Instagram, in just over a month after the tech-savvy leader had crossed the 50 million follower mark on Twitter.
With this, Modi is now the most followed world leader on the photo-sharing app.
United States President Donald Trump currently has 14.9 million followers while his predecessor Barack Obama has 24.8 million followers on Instagram.
“PM @NarendraModi crosses 30 million followers on Instagram*. He is the most followed world leader on Instagram ahead of US President Trump as well as former US President Obama. This is yet another testament to his popularity and connect with the youth,” BJP working president JP Nadda said in a tweet.
On Twitter, the prime minister currently has 50.7 million followers and now stands tall among the world leaders on the micro-blogging site, with his handle @narendramodi a little behind that of Trump, who has 65.7 million followers.
Obama remains on the first spot with over 109 million accounts following him.
Modi is very active on social media, including Instagram and Twitter and regularly puts out texts on everything — from his speeches at various platforms to the places he went and the people he met.