Karan Johar launched the trailer of his new production Good Newwz with the film’s cast, Akshay Kumar, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Diljit Singh and Kiara Advani.
It’s a slice of life film with an entertaining plot, and Karan may just have a winner on his hands this Christmas.
Akshay-Kareena and Diljit-Kiara play married couples trying to have a baby.
They resort to IVF but the strangest thing happens next.
The sperms get interchanged!
Of course, the chaos follows soon after.
Good Newwz has been directed by first-timer Raj Mehta.
This is, in fact, Akshay’s 23rd film with a debutant director.
‘Personally, I find the spelling rather ridiculous,’ Karan says, referring to the film’s title.
“I wanted to make a social comedy,” Karan said at the launch.
“Dharma Productions hasn’t made it yet. So when I went to Akshay, I went with a badi script because he’s a mega movie star. But Akshay has a speciality. He searches for content; he doesn’t look at the scale or director. He’s the only superstar, who has worked with so many debut directors.”
He tells us more in this video below:
Kareena was the first to come on board while Kiara was the last.
The cast talks about the film in this video:
Good Newwz will release on December 27.
Videos, photographs: Hitesh Harisinghani/ KhabriBaba.com. Additional photographs: Pradeep Bandekar