Targeting Union minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat, Rajasthan chief minister Ashok Gehlot on Tuesday said the audio clips which indicate an alleged plot to topple his government can be sent abroad for forensic tests.
IMAGE: Rajasthan chief minister Ashok Gehlot addresses during a meeting with party MLAs at a hotel in Jaipur. Photograph: PTI Photo
Without taking the minister’s name, Gehlot questioned why he is not coming forward to give a voice sample.
Rejecting the charge that the audio clips are fabricated, he said they can be sent to any forensic science laboratory for examination.
“We can send it for FSL testing to America if they have no trust in the Rajasthan government, he said, adding that the Congress also did not trust the Centre.
“Why is he not giving a voice test? He should come forward for it,” the chief minister said, in an apparent reference to Gehlot whom the party has accused of trying to lure Congress MLAs.
Shekhawat has denied the charge that it his voice on tape.