ED has summoned Reliance Group Chairman Anil Ambani in connection with its probe against Yes Bank promoter Rana Kapoor and others. Enforcement Directorate (ED) officials said that Anil Ambani’s group companies were among those big companies, who was given a loan by Yes Bank. According to the officials, Ambani was asked to reach the ED’s office on Monday.
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According to officials, 60-year-old Ambani has sought exemption from appearing before the ED due to some personal reasons and he may be given a new date for this. It is being told that Anil Ambani group companies took a loan of Rs 12,800 crore from the bank, which became NPA. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman had said in a press conference on March 6 that the Anil Ambani Group, Essel, ILFS, DHFL, and Vodafone were pressurized corporates that were given loans by Yes Bank.
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The officials said that the companies which had taken a large loan from Yes Bank and had become NPAs, are being called for questioning. He said that under the provisions related to the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), Ambani’s statement can be recorded. Yes Bank founder Rana Kapoor (62) is currently in ED custody. He was arrested by the Central Investigation Agency earlier this month.