Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Monday said the upcoming assembly elections will be fought on the basis of the Aam Aadmi Party government’s work and noted that his party will run a ‘positive’ campaign.
At a press conference on Monday evening, Kejriwal appealed to the people of Delhi to ‘vote for us (AAP) only if you think we have done good work in the last five years’.
“We will run a positive campaign, will not abuse anyone,” he added.
Earlier, he said on Twitter that the election will be fought on the basis of the AAP government’s work.
The election to the 70-member Delhi Assembly will take place on February 8 and results will be declared on February 11, the Election Commission announced on Monday.
Chief Election Commissioner Sunil Arora said the notification for the polls will be issued on January 14 while the last date of withdrawal of candidature will be January 24.
Edited by Utkarsh Mishra