Applauding how they have brought down crime cases in the national capital, Delhi Police commissioner Amulya Patnaik on Wednesday said they have improved visibility, enhanced service orientation, are reaching out to community, and improving soft skills for the upcoming year.
Addressing media in New Delhi, the Delhi Police chief claimed that Delhi police witnessed encouraging results on account of the force’s consistent efforts. He said that Delhi Police identified critical priority areas in 2019 such as safety of women, street crimes, focus on preventing street crime, anti-terror measures, ensuring smooth flow of traffic, and enhanced vigilance to curb corruption and digitalisation.
According to the police, apart from these there has been a tremendous change in police attitude towards citizens as Delhi Police have launched public perception survey in collaboration with Quality Council of India to get a feedback on service delivery.
“The first time a Public Perception Survey was conducted with a motive to know the public mood and comfort level of public towards police. Survey is expected to be helpful in devising appropriate response to the needs and expectations of the people,” said Patnaik.
According to him, safety of women have always been a priority for his unity and they are holding regular patrolling and taking advance measure to make a women feel safe in the city.
While an independent cyber cell will be set up that works under the anti-terror unit. It will focus on solving the increasing cases of cyber fraud. Currently the Delhi Police’s cyber cell and Economic Offences Wing work together. City residents who are victims of hacking, ransomware and other forms of cyber attacks.