Mumbai: The Sensex started with a lead on Tuesday. Today the Sensex gained 139 points to cross the 38,938.85 mark. Such growth in numbers is showing strength in the stock market. SBI, Bharti Airtel, Axis Bank shares are seeing strength and are trading on the green mark.
Earlier on Monday, the stock market had recorded growth. The Bombay Stock Exchange’s main sensitive index Sensex opened up 188.20 points, or 0.49 per cent, at 38622.92. At the same time, the National Stock Exchange’s Nifty opened at 11412 level with a strength of 0.36 per cent i.e. 40.40 points.
The BSE Sensex has registered a gain of 364 points on the back of positive trend in international stock markets, capital investment by foreign institutional investors and strong buying in financial stocks. The BSE Sensex gained 364 points to close at 38,799, based on 30 stocks. The National Stock Exchange Nifty also gained 95 points to close at 11,466.
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