New Delhi: According to HDFC Securities, on Monday, gold prices witnessed huge fluctuations and in Delhi, it has fallen marginally by Rs 44 to Rs 53,040 per 10 grams. In this context, HDFC Securities Senior Analyst (Commodities) Tapan Patel has stated that ‘Along with the rupee fluctuations, the 24-carat gold price in Delhi has also been seen to fluctuate.’ Talking about silver, it was reduced by Rs 206 to Rs 68,202 per kg.
In the international market, gold was trading at the US $ 1,950 an ounce, while silver was at the US $ 26.80 an ounce. According to HDFC Securities, gold prices fell by Rs 94 to Rs 52,990 per 10 grams in the national capital on Friday due to selling pressure in the international market. However, the price of silver was seen today. Silver was up by Rs 782 to Rs 69,262 per kg. In the global market, gold was at a low of $ 1,938 an ounce, while silver was trading at $ 27.19 an ounce.
During the crisis of Corona epidemic, gold remains the favourite of all. Its prices have broken all the height records in recent times. Its prices have come down sharply in the last few days, but experts say that gold prices will set a new record by Diwali. JP Morgan says that in the wake of economic recession, epidemic and political situation, gold can reach 70,000 level by Diwali.
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