MUMBAI: The stock market closed higher after a day’s trading on Tuesday, the second trading day of the week after strong signals from global markets, and tensions at the India-China border decreased. For five consecutive days, the Sensex-Nifty is seeing strength. Today, the Bombay Stock Exchange’s leading sensitive index Sensex gained 0.51% to 1867.24 points, closing at 36674.52.
On the other hand, National Stock Exchange’s leading sensitive index Nifty Fifty also closed 0.33% higher at 3699.65 level, up 36 points. Foreign institutional investors bought equity worth Rs 348.35 crore in the market on Monday. Market traders say that there is a positive trend in the markets all over the world. The market is in a strong position as economic activity improves.
The same effect has been on the domestic market. There has been a change in investor sentiment due to the decrease in tension between India and China. The stock markets of Shanghai, Hong Kong have seen strength. Markets closed at the Wall Street Exchange in the United States with a positive trend in yesterday’s trade.
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