New Delhi: Both gold and silver have recorded an increase on Tuesday. On Tuesday, gold prices rose by 0.16 per cent, or Rs 78, to Rs 49,105 per ten grams in the futures market. Silver has come down to Rs 55,118 per kg with a strength of Rs 113, ie Rs 113. Economic conditions are worsening as the coronavirus epidemic increases, so investors are investing money in gold for safe investment.
Increased prices of gold and silver are confirming this. On Tuesday, gold spot sold at Sarafa Bazar in Ahmedabad at Rs 49,118 per ten grams. Gold Future sold at Rs 49,120 per ten grams. According to HDFC Securities, on Monday, gold prices fell by Rs 31 to Rs 49,916 per ten grams in Delhi’s Bullion Market. Silver has fallen by Rs 51 to Rs 53,948 per kg.
On Monday, gold was above $ 1818 an ounce in the global market. This is the second-highest level since September 2011 after reaching the 1820 level. Gold may become more expensive due to Coronavirus pandemonium and Sino-US trade war. The dollar index has risen 0.2 percent compared to its rivals. Therefore, gold has become more expensive for other currency holders.
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