India on Friday added 13,586 new COVID-19 cases for the first time in a single day, pushing the tally to 3,80,532, while the death toll rose to 12,573 with 336 new fatalities, according to the Union health ministry data.
IMAGE: A waiter wearing a protective mask and a face shield serves drinks at a restaurant at Salt Lake City in Kolkata. Photograph: Swapan Mahapatra/PTI photo
In some positive news, the number of recoveries crossed the two lakh mark and stands at 2,04,710, while there are 1,63,248 total COVID-19 active cases, according to the updated official figure at 8 am.
One patient had migrated.
IMAGE: Radha Swami Ashram at Chattarpur in New Delhi converted into COVID-19 isolation center in New Delhi. Photograph: PTI Photo
“Thus, around 53.79 per cent patients have recovered so far,” an official said.
The total number of confirmed cases include foreigners.
IMAGE: Workers carry out sanitisation after emergence of COVID-19 positive cases in Mathurai, in Kanyakumari district. Photograph: PTI Photo
India registered over 10,000 cases for the eighth day in a row.
IMAGE: Relatives perform last rites of a family member, who died of COVID-19, during the ongoing nationwide lockdown, in New Delhi. Photograph: Manvender Vashist/PTI Photo
Of the 336 new deaths reported till Friday morning, 100 were in Maharashtra, 65 in Delhi, 49 in Tamil Nadu, 31 in Gujarat, 30 in Uttar Pradesh, 12 each in Karnataka and West Bengal, 10 in Rajasthan, six in Jammu and Kashmir, five in Punjab, four each in Haryana and Madhya Pradesh, three in Telangana, two in Andhra Pradesh and one each in Assam, Jharkhand and Kerala.