On Friday, the Bihar government has extended the validity of driving licenses, permits, registrations, and other related documents up to September 30, which ended in February after the novel coronavirus epidemic. This is the second time the extension is being granted. Earlier, Transport Department Secretary Sanjay Kumar Aggarwal said that the validity has been extended from 1 February to 30 June.
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In his statement, the Secretary said that this decision has been taken keeping in mind the problems faced by the people due to the lockdown and to ensure that they do not face difficulties in renewing the validity of the documents. The benefit of the extension will be applicable to fitness certificate, all types of permits, learner license, driving license and other related documents.
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The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has also issued guidelines in this regard. The officer has also directed all traffic superintendents of police and transport department officials not to disturb anyone on this issue. The RTO office was closed to the public due to Corona infection, being opened to the public after three months on 22 June i.e. Monday. Under the new rules, the number of applications for work in a day has been fixed. Only 20 people applications will be accepted for every task in a day. On the order of DM, approval has been granted to open the RTO office under SOP. RTO Dinesh Chandra Pathoi along with other officials formed SOP and ordered to start work in the office from Monday for the public. However, those who make a new driving license or permanent license from learning will have to wait. This work is expected to start by next month.
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