On Friday, gold prices fell by 0.59 per cent in futures trade due to reduced participants’ deals amid weak global cues. In this way, gold for delivery in August fell by Rs 278, or 0.59 per cent, to Rs 47,136 per ten grams on the Multi Commodity Exchange. MCX traded for 14,194 lots. At the same time, gold delivered in October became cheaper by Rs 296, ie 0.62 per cent, at the level of Rs 47,300 per ten grams. It did business for 5,496 lots. It is noteworthy that after the rise in Corona virus cases in America once again, the stock markets around the world have also seen a declining trend.
For your information, let us tell you that internationally gold is down by 0.30 percent at $ 1,734.60 an ounce. Internationally, the price of silver has fallen by 1.25 per cent to $ 17.70 an ounce.
Besides, silver fell by Rs 614 to Rs 48,025 per kg in futures trade. Silver in July fell by Rs 614 to 1.48 per cent at 48,025 per kg on the Multi Commodity Exchange. Similarly, silver for delivery in September fell by Rs 622 or 1.26 per cent to Rs 48,855 per kg. At the same time, experts say that due to weak signals in foreign markets, there has been an increase in pressure on silver prices in the domestic market.
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