Lockdown in India may have caused a lot of damage, but Parle-G Biscuits broke all its sales records during this period. Parle-G biscuits consumption has increased drastically in April and May during the lockdown. In almost 30-40 years, this biscuit has recorded such tremendous growth in sales for the first time. A senior officer of Parle-G Biscuits manufacturing company, Parle Products has given this information.
During lockdown people also stocked a lot of Parle-G Biscuits. Parle-G biscuits became the biggest source of hunger for migrant labourers on foot. This is the reason that the company has increased its market share in the competitive biscuits segment by five percent with the help of its Parle-G Biscuits. Mayank Shah, Senior Category Head, Parle Products, said that due to the good source of glucose and is cheaper in price, government agencies and NGOs distributing food relief packets among people preferred Parle-G Biscuits, which benefited in sales. He said that the growth in sales has been unprecedented and due to this Parle has been able to increase its market share by about 5 percent.
Shah said, ‘Lockdown time has been one of the most growth time. At least in the last 30-40 years, no such growth has been seen. He said that he never saw such growth during his 20-year tenure in a biscuit company. Also, Shah said that Parle-G is not just a biscuit, but comfort food for many Indians. In times of uncertainty, its consumption has increased considerably. During the first tsunami and earthquake, there was a rise in the sale of Parle-G Biscuits.
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