New Delhi: The central government is depositing an installment of Rs 500 per month in the accounts of Jan Dhan account holders. The month of June is coming and this month the third installment of Rs 500 will come in Jan Dhan account. But like others, your Jan Dhan account has not come to 500 rupees, then it may mean that your Jan Dhan account has been closed. There can be any reason for this.
If you have not received any money in your account, then immediately check your bank account whether it is closed or not. Actually, not using the account for a long time makes the account inactive. If you are also facing a similar problem, then we tell you how to get the account started again. If Jan Dhan account has been closed, then before knowing how it can be started again, find out what caused your account to change.
In fact, Jan Dhan Yojana was started in 2014, under which 6 years ago the government requested all poor helpless people to open bank accounts, under which the amount of any kind of financial assistance given by the government is the same for the beneficiaries. The bank account was transferred. In the last 3 to 4 years, no amount has been transferred in some Jan Dhan accounts. Due to which those accounts have been deactivated or closed by banks. In such a situation, you have to apply to the bank to get them started again.
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