Whenever it comes to investing, spending and saving money in the running world, people pay attention to some old myths. Apart from the style of investing and spending, there are many statements and myths regarding saving money which are not really true. In the rapidly changing scenario of availability and need of money, there can be no such thing that applies to all people. Therefore you too should stay away from these myths.
Need more money for investment
At this time, people think about investing, that one should invest only if there is more money, otherwise there is no point of investing. This is absolutely untrue. A person can start investing and saving for less than Rs 100. First you get into the habit of investing and then increase it gradually.
Mutual fund SIP is safe
A common belief among people is that mutual funds are safe for SIP investment and the money invested in it will not be lost. However, you should know that everything of mutual funds depends on the market. It is not that if you invest in mutual funds, then it is completely risk free.
Online sales more discount
People have an illusion about all online shopping companies offering attractive discounts on festivals or any special occasion. Most people feel that the offer has come, then this is the right time to do marketing. If you do not buy now, then the chance will get out of hand and this rebate will not be received further. All online shoppers should be aware of the fact that all online sales are substantially equal. The prices of products change at a small level.
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