Amidst the havoc of the worldwide Corona, Asian Development Bank (ADB) President Masatsugu Asakawa has assured Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman $ 2.2 billion (about Rs 16,500 crore) to fight the corona. Asakawa praised India. He said that India has done well by announcing the National Health Emergency Program, taxes given to businesses and other relief measures. He said that the financial relief package of Rs 1.7 lakh crore from the Government of India on March 26 is the best step.
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There is a lockdown in the country from 25 March to 14 April, it is possible that it can be increased further. Asakawa said ADB is committed to supporting India’s emergency needs. We are now preparing the US $ 2.2 billion for immediate assistance in the health sector. This will help reduce the economic impact of the epidemic on the poor.
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In its statement, the ADB said that ADB is also associated with the private sector to meet its financial needs during this period. The same, he said, ADB will provide more assistance to India when needed. We will consider all financing options available to us to meet India’s needs, including emergency assistance, policy-based lending and budget support to facilitate rapid disbursement of ADB funds.
Consumption of petrol and diesel decreased by 66 percent in April, will have a big impact on prices