On Tuesday, the second trading day of the week, the stock market opened with strong gains. At 9:22 am, the Bombay Stock Exchange‘s flagship index Sensex was up 533.71 points, or 1.40 percent, at 38,677. While the National Stock Exchange’s Nifty was trading at 11,290.45 levels after gaining 157.70 points, or 1.42 percent.
The stock market opened with strong gains
Earlier, for seven consecutive business days, the market was registering a fall due to fear of coronavirus. In early trade, the Sensex opened at 38,586.51 after gaining 442.49 points, or 1.16 percent. The Nifty opened at 11,278.85 levels after gaining 146.10 points, or 1.31 percent.
Such was the situation of veteran shares
Talking about veteran stocks, shares of all companies opened on the green mark today. The top gainers include shares of Vedanta Limited, M&M, Yes Bank, Tata Steel, Tata Motors, JSW Stress, Zee Limited, and IOC.