Bidar (Karnataka): Bidar police has registered a sedition case against the principal and other authorities of a local school for allowing students to stage a drama which allegedly “portrays Prime Minister Narendra Modi in poor light” in connection with the CAA and NRC.
The management of Shaheen School was also booked for “promoting enmity between different groups” under Sections 124(A) and 153(A) of the Indian Penal Code.
Police said the case was registered on a complaint from social worker Neelesh Rakshyal on January 26.
The complainant alleged that that the school authorities ‘used’ the students to perform a drama on January 21, where they “abused” Modi for introducing the Citizenship Amendment Act and the National Register of Citizens.
“The management tried to create ‘fear’ among the Muslims that they would have to leave the country if the CAA and NRC are implemented,” Rakshyal said.
Later, a local resident uploaded a video of the function on his Facebook page, the complainant said.
Police said no one has been arrested so far.
Notably, in late December, a school in Kalladka of the same state, run by a Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh leader, had made children re-enact the demolition of the Babri Masjid in a play.