WhatsApp is introducing a new feature. In this new feature, WhatsApp it will automatically delete messages. WhatsApp has gradually started the roll-out of its new self-destructing message feature. This feature of WhatsApp has come for the Android beta version. According to Twitter user WABetaInfo, which monitors the new features of WhatsApp, WhatsApp is working on this update before releasing the new feature to users, to provide users with a stable and bug-free experience.
Users will set a certain time in the new feature
In this new feature of WhatsApp, users will set a fixed time, after which it will delete the message. They have rolled this feature out to beta version number 2.19.348. Users who have registered themselves for the Google Play beta program can download this latest version and enjoy this feature. This feature of WhatsApp will not be available to all users at the moment, but it can reach them soon. According to reports, WhatsApp has deleted its name from Disappearing Message before the official rollout of the feature.
This new feature of WhatsApp will work like this
According to reports, the feature will initially be available for group chaps and can be enabled by the group’s administrator. Once enabled, they can view this feature in contact info or group settings. The ‘delete message’ feature will come with an on / off button and users will choose a set time to delete the message automatically. According to the report, they have given 5 options in the feature. The feature has an option of 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month and 1 year. You can choose one of these, after selecting it, it will delete your message on time.
For example, if the user selects a time of 1 hour, then the message sent will be deleted after 1 hour. However, this feature is not new in the app market. Other social apps like Snapchat and Telegram are already providing this feature to their users. In addition, WhatsApp may soon introduce the Dark Mode feature for iOS users. However, WhatsApp has not yet confirmed when the feature will go live. WhatsApp has recently brought call waiting for support, chat screen redesign and other features for its iPhone users.